AI Search

Upgrade your search with world’s most advanced search solution.

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How Does ConverseCart Search work?

The ConverseCart search engine LLMs to analyze your structured data. Meaning, we analyze your ecommerce catalog’s labels and descriptions alongside image recognition software to categorize your inventory. This enables the search engine to provide more accurate search results to consumers without requiring manual tagging. This service streamlines operations, saving your organization time and money, while also increasing conversion rates.

The ConverseCart search engine LLMs to analyze your structured data

What We Offer

Hyper-relevant results that understand users intention

Our search understands when users are looking for keyword matching, or looking for image or
searching for matching and deliver hyper relevant results every time


Personalized results for every user


Maximize your profits from day zero


Personalized auto-complete for improved User Experience

What Can We Offer Your Business

Single Line


Our search runs uses fine tuned open source models. This means we don’t share your data with openAI or other model providers.

Easy Integration

Pre-built integrations with popular platforms and libraries for custom implementation.

Usage Based SaaS Pricing

Pricing based on how much you use CpnverseCart so that you avoid overpaying.

Enhanced User Experience

Enhanced user experience is semantic personalized autocomplete and suggestions.



500 queries500 queries
100 documents100 documents

Additional Monthly Pricing

$4/1k queries

$5/1k documents

Join now to get $100 worth of

free search credits